18 05, 2022

Bridge Closure to Vehicles Exceeding 18 tonnes

Cumbria County Council has given notice, that because of the likelihood of danger to the public and potential
damage to the bridge structure vehicles exceeding 18 tonnes maximum gross weight will be prohibited from proceeding along that section of the C3057 OusenstandBridge, nr Temple Sowerby for a distance of approx. 18m either side of the centre line of the bridge.

This notice will be in force for a period of up to 21 days from 17th May 2022, as and when the relevant signs are displayed. It is anticipated that the restriction will be required for 21 days.  For more information click here

14 03, 2022

Grants for Older People to keep Homes Warm £150


Grants for organisations to help older people in Cumbria stay warm and healthy with the aim of reducing excess winter deaths and numbers of older people living in cold homes across Cumbria. This is not an open-access fund.

Funded by:

  • voluntary donations of winter fuel allowance payments
  • individual and local business donations (all donations from members of the public and businesses are restricted to support individuals over the age of 60)

Who can apply?

  • individuals aged 60 or over who reside in Cumbria and who receive a state pension and/or pension credit or struggle to maintain a basic acceptable standard of living during the winter due to the cost of heating their home and the restrictions of cold weather.

How much can you apply for?

Grants will normally be £150.

Contact Age UK Carlisle and Eden on 01228 536673.

15 02, 2022

Have Your Say! A66 Trans-Pennine Supplementary Design Consultation

Deisgn changes have been proposed to three key junctions including north of Kirkby Thore.  It is vitally important Kirkby Thore residents are aware of the proposed design changes and the implications for our community.  The closing date for comments is Sunday the 27th of February 2022.

To view a map of the new junction design please click here.

For further information about the design changes click here.

4 11, 2021

Notice of Vacancy

The Parish Council has a vacancy.  If any residents of the parish are interested in joining the Parish Council we would like to hear from you.  Please contact the parish clerk via clerk@kirkbythore.org.uk or via 07855832174.  The vacancy notice can be viewed using this link.

4 11, 2021

Councillor Vacancy

The Parish Council has a vacancy.  If any residents of the parish are interested in joining the Parish Council we would like to hear from you.  Please contact the parish clerk via clerk@kirkbythore.org.uk or via 07855832174.

11 10, 2021

A66 Trans-Pennine Consultation – Parish Drop-In Event – 12th of October

The Parish Council is holding a Parish Drop-In Event on the 12th of October 2021, 2.00 until 4.00pm and 6.00 until 8.00pm in Kirkby Thore Memorial Hall.  The event is to provide support to any resident that is unsure of how to complete the consultation forms.  We will not be completing forms on your behalf or providing a view.  Make sure you complete your forms by the closing date on the 6th of November 2021.  Your view counts!

Copy of the Event Poster

30 09, 2021

A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Consultation

The Parish Council urges all residents of the Parish to have a look at the consultation documents sent to each household.  The documents can also be access on the Highways website by following this link.   Residents are encouraged to respond to the consultation offering their opinions by the deadline advertised of the 6th of November 2021.

17 09, 2021

Health & Wellbeing Courses

Cumbria County Council are running a series of health & well-being sessions.  For more information about the courses or details of how to enrol please click the link

23 08, 2021

Councillor Vacancy

The Parish Council has a vacancy.  If any residents of the parish are interested in joining the Parish Council we would like to hear from you.  Please contact the parish clerk via clerk@kirkbythore.org.uk or via 07855832174.  The vacancy notice can be viewed using this link.

1 03, 2021

Census 2021 – 21st of March 2021

The census will be taking place this year on the 21st of March 2021.  To access the forms online or for addtional information please visit the census website here.

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