Welcome to Kirkby Thore’s Parish Website


Report a problem with a street or road

Reporting problems with potholes, road damage, flooding and drainage, traffic lights, street lights, pedestrian crossings, trees, vegetation, bollards, manhole covers and more can all be done through the Westmorland & Furness website by clicking here.



Volunteers in the Parish are running a series of schemes to help those finding themselves vulnerable in the current unprecedented times.

The Village Hall Facebook page is publishing relevant information and coordinating messages for help where possible.  You can access their facebook page through the following link  https://www.facebook.com/kthallandrec

The Village Stores have a delivery service set up with willing volunteers.  The householder is asked to call the shop on 017683 61342 directly and then the shop asks one of the volunteers to deliver.  Posters and leaflets have been circulated about this.

Thank you to all those who are simply looking out for neighbours and family, your help makes a real difference to Kirkby Thore.

Bridge Closure to Vehicles Exceeding 18 tonnes

Cumbria County Council has given notice, that because of the likelihood of danger to the public and potential damage to the bridge structure vehicles exceeding 18 tonnes maximum gross weight will be prohibited from proceeding along [...]

Grants for Older People to keep Homes Warm £150

Overview Grants for organisations to help older people in Cumbria stay warm and healthy with the aim of reducing excess winter deaths and numbers of older people living in cold homes across Cumbria. This is [...]

Have Your Say! A66 Trans-Pennine Supplementary Design Consultation

Deisgn changes have been proposed to three key junctions including north of Kirkby Thore.  It is vitally important Kirkby Thore residents are aware of the proposed design changes and the implications for our community.  The [...]

Notice of Vacancy

The Parish Council has a vacancy.  If any residents of the parish are interested in joining the Parish Council we would like to hear from you.  Please contact the parish clerk via clerk@kirkbythore.org.uk or via [...]
